  1. My Crime

From the recording My Crime

Inspired by my year-long bout with Epstein-Barre. What if I never got better? Would I have regrets about the way I lived my life? Oh yes. By not giving love, life or faith a chance, I have committed the ultimate crime. Ultimately, the song is a cry for a second chance, for redemption in this life.


I've been loved by precious men Loved them back with fervent whim Loved them til I couldn't stand that they loved me Believed that they'd become fatigued Believed I was not worthy And now the moment has arrived for me to look way deep inside Did I give love a try? Well I'm not so sure And that's my crime I was blessed with many gifts That I meant to use someday That I meant to sharebut threw them all away Cause the gift I never opened Was the gift of faith And now the moment has arrived for me to look way deep inside Did I give myself a try ? Well I'm not so sure And that's my crime
I lie in bed with a strange disorder I'm not sure if I'll live or die I rack my brain to figure out the reason why There must be some kind of lesson I'm supposed to learn from this And now the moment has arrived for me to look back on my life Have I spent well the time? Well I'm not so sure And that's my crime And I don't want to say good-bye...